Brown & Curry Obtains $6.97 Million Settlement in Ex-Kansas VA Worker Sexual Abuse Case

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – December 10, 2019 – Brown and Curry announced today the United States agreed to a $6.97 million settlement in a case stemming from one of the most prolific offenders of sexual abuse in history.Convicted of sexually abusing patients in 2017, Mark Wisner victimized his veterans while working as a physician assistant at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Leavenworth, Kansas.The settlement was shared between 82 victims. They each agreed to appoint former Jackson County, Missouri, Judge Jay Daugherty to divide the sum between them. As of December 7, 2019, all payments had been distributed.“What happened at the VA Medical Center should have never occurred, and Mark Wisner should not have been permitted to continue working,” said Dan Curry. “Multiple times, the VA administration at that hospital had reports that Wisner was behaving inappropriately.  One of his earliest victims committed suicide not long after the VA police interviewed him about Mark Wisner. This was years before Wisner physically assaulted more than 90 veterans. Someone needed to connect the dots.”Curry said the settlement was a compromise. If the cases had gone to trial, the plaintiffs would have been waiting many years for resolution.“I'm glad that it is resolved, and that the VA acknowledge that what happened was wrong," said Jason Weiser, Bonner Springs, Kan., one of Mark Wisner's patients and a participant in the settlement.  “I hope they make changes for the better.”Curry called upon the Joint Commission, the not-for-profit organization that accredits hospitals, to reopen its inquiry into how the Leavenworth VA medical center handled Mark Wisner.“I don’t believe the hospital administrators provided the Joint Commission all of the facts.”Dan Curry has recovered millions of unpaid benefits for veterans who have been wrongly denied by the VA and has forced the VA to compensate veterans who have been grievously wounded through negligent medical care. Dan is an accredited VA agent and admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, where he has won more than 90 percent of all cases he has taken.


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