Kansas Doctor files suit alleging toxic, water-damaged offices caused cognitive decline.

Brown & Curry, LLC,  filed suit on behalf of a Johnson County psychiatrist alleging that a water-damage toxic environment in the office building located at 8201 Mission Road in Prairie Village, Kansas.

The plaintiff, who completed his M.D. at the University of Missouri in 2008 and a subsequent internship and residency at the Mayo Clinic, was diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) in 2018.  In his lawsuit, he alleged that last year he discovered that his offices in 8201 Mission Road building contained "extremely high levels of toxic water-damaged contaminates." Later in 2019 had to cease working due to his deteriorating physical condition and cognitive decline.  He is the father of two young children.

The defendants named in the suit are Security Bank of Kansas, which is alleged to own the 8201 Mission Road building, and M.D. Management, Inc., the company alleged to have managed the property.

A copy of the lawsuit can be found here. 


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