Brown & Curry assists Navy veteran in winning a decade of past-due disability benefits.

 Veterans who deserve full, 100-percent disability compensation from the VA are routinely denied their claims, often inexplicably.  Carlos Larralde fought for nearly ten years to win compensation for an injury he sustained when he fell from the upper deck of Navy tug boat when it collided with a pier. While his claim was complex, Dan Curry was able to unlock an easy path forward by convincing the VA to provide Mr. Larralde a new medical causation opinion and to reconsider its previous denial.  The result: The Los Angeles Regional Office awarded him a decade of past-due disability benefits.You can read more about Mr. Larralde's story here.U.S. Navy veteran Carlos Larralde.


VA ratings for the Spine.


RECENT VETERANS COURT DECISION: Veterans must still possess DSM-V conforming diagnosis.